Illicit Financial Flows - Part III: Laws And Institutions (Continued)
This series of briefs examines illicit financial flows in the South African context - and what is being done to stop them.
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Illicit Financial Flows: A Primer - Part II: Laws And Institutions
This series of briefs examines illicit financial flows in the South African context - and what is being done to stop them.
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Illicit Financial Flows - Part I: A Primer
This series of briefs examines illicit financial flows in the South African context - and what is being done to stop them.
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Parliamentary Submission: Competition Amendment Bill, 2018
On 17 August 2018, The Helen Suzman Foundation Made Written Submissions In Response To The Portfolio Committee On Economic Development’s (The Committee) Call ...
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Parliamentary Submission: Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) Amendment Bill, 2018
On 29 June 2018, the Helen Suzman Foundation made written submissions in response to the Portfolio Committee on Police’s (the Committee) call for public ...
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Constitutional damages: Recent decisions in focus
This brief explores the concept of “constitutional damages” in South Africa and why they were awarded to the loved ones and survivors in the Life Esidimeni ...
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Legal Costs Orders - An Underused Tool For Accountability - Part II: The Present And Future
This brief - Part II in a two-part series - examines ongoing litigation where high-ranking public officials face the prospect of being ordered to pay legal ...
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Legal Costs Orders - An Underused Tool For Accountability - Part I: A Look Through The Case Law
This brief is the first in a two-part series and will consider case law examining principles regarding cost awards against public officials in their personal ...
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Judging the Judges
This Brief considers circumstances in which judges can be impeached for gross misconduct specifically considering the case of Judge Nkola Motata
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The Life Esidimeni Arbitration: the legal basis for granting the Award
This brief discusses the legal basis for granting R1.2 million in damages to each claimant in the Life Esidimeni Arbitration Award.
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