
Media Statement – The HSF welcomes the establishment of the Immigration Advisory Board

Media Statement – The HSF welcomes the establishment of the Immigration Advisory Board

The Helen Suzman Foundation (HSF) welcomes the Department of Home Affairs’ establishment of the Immigration Advisory Board (IAB). Establishing the IAB will fulfil the statutory requirement outlined in Section 4 of the Immigration Act.

The IAB, composed of individuals with knowledge and expertise in the field of immigration, will advise the Minister of Home Affairs on regulations, policy formulation, and other related matters. HSF welcomes the call for public participation in the nomination process as this ensures diverse expertise, transparency, and accountability in the decision-making process.

Nominations must be made by 7 September 2024 - and must be accompanied by the nominee's acceptance and a comprehensive CV showcasing their expertise in immigration law, control, adjudication, or enforcement.

Contact Details

Executive Director: Naseema Fakir