In its submission on the Electoral Amendment Bill to the National Council of Provinces, the HSF makes clear that broader electoral reform is required, requiring the demarcation of constituencies within a system which ensures overall proportional representation, similar to that which is used for local elections. This would not only increase the accountability of members of Parliament to voters but would also enable independent candidates to stand for election in a specific constituency.
It is noted that the most recent call for change in this direction has come from the State Capture Commission which recently recommended “that Parliament should consider whether introducing a constituency-based (but still proportionally representative) electoral system would enhance the capacity of members of Parliament to hold the executive accountable.”
The HSF is of the opinion that the Bill as currently formulated, seeking to accommodate independent candidates in the most limited way, will not increase political accountability of Parliament to the electorate.
Further details can be found in the HSF’s submission, which can be read here.
Media Enquiries:
Anton van Dalsen