
Press Release: The Chief Justice Issues Directions In Secretary Of State Capture Commission V Jacob Zuma And Others II

The Chief Justice has issued directions pursuant to hearing the State Capture Commission’s application to declare former President, Jacob Zuma, in contempt of court.

On Friday afternoon, the Chief Justice issued directions pursuant to hearing the State Capture Commission’s application to declare former President, Jacob Zuma, in contempt of court. The directions call for representations from Mr. Zuma regarding two aspects of the Constitutional Court’s potential finding. First, an appropriate sanction in the event that a guilty finding is made. Second, the nature and magnitude of the sentence, if the Constitutional Court finds that committal is appropriate.

Notably, the directions provide an opportunity for the Helen Suzman Foundation (HSF), as amicus curiae, to respond to any representations made by Mr. Zuma. As such, the HSF is monitoring events closely, and is consulting with its lawyers regarding the way forward in the event that Mr. Zuma complies with the directions. The Chief Justice’s directions can be found here.

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Christopher Fisher