THE REASON WHY it is so important that
the African National Congress should win the Western Cape, says the
ANC’s Chief Whip in the province, Leonard Ramatlakane, “is that while
it’s still ruled by our enemies it has the feeling that it’s not really
part of South Africa. If the Western Cape goes ANC, it becomes part of
South Africa.”
There is no getting away from the feeling that the Western Cape is,
from every point of view, the jewel in the crown. It is home of “the
Mother city”, home of Parliament, the tourist mecca, with its stunning
landscapes and for centuries, until air travel became a mass
phenomenon, the entry point into South Africa. And, thanks in good part
to the reverse “great trek” of whites back there since 1994, it is also
economically the fastest-growing province in the new South Africa. It
is widely believed that President Mbeki would like to move Parliament
to Pretoria, but that he knows that to do so would ruin the ANC’s
chances of winning the province and that, accordingly, this cannot
happen until ANC victory there is secure.
Ramatlakane is an amiable man, well-liked even by his opponents, and
by general consent he was one of the ablest provincial ministers when
he served as MEC for transport in the New National Party-ANC coalition
which ruled the Western Cape until January 1998. Yet he also typifies
the reasons why so many white and Coloured voters shrink from the
prospect of an ANC-run Western Cape. It is not just that he — like so
many of the ANC elite in the province — is an SACP militant, but that
he exudes a sense of the bitter racial polarisation that is still at
the heart of Cape politics. He refers to the NNP and Democratic Party
as “the enemy” and the “racist coalition” — racist “because it is
anti-ANC”. When it gets to power in the Western Cape, he says, the ANC
will carry out a thorough-going transformation of the provincial civil
service whose top ranks are, he insists, still far too white.
“Actually Coloureds are over-represented in every level of the civil
service except the top,” said one civil servant to whom I spoke. “What
Ramatlakane means is that they’d like to turn us into the Eastern Cape.
The fact is that the Western Cape is the only province whose
administration really works, despite the fact that we’ve cut the number
of civil servants from 99,000 in 1994 to 69,000 now. The Eastern Cape
has in the same period probably added a few more, and yet that province
is in a state of collapse. Its schools don’t work and neither do its
hospitals. That’s why people flee from there to come here: 40 per cent
of the babies delivered in our hospitals today are born to Eastern Cape
mothers and our schools are bulging with Eastern Cape kids. “What we’d
really like would be a Western Cape ID document so that we could give
priority to our own people but, of course, such a thing is unthinkable.
Meanwhile other provinces and even central government keep sending
teams down here to find out how we do things.”
Western Cape politics is polarised around the question of whether the
ANC can win power or whether the NNP and DP can keep it out. In 1994
the ANC joined the majority NNP in a government of provincial unity
under Premier Hernus Kriel. In 1997 the Western Cape became the first
province to adopt a separate provincial Constitution. The ANC did not
appear to attribute much significance to the new constitution, which
was to prove a grave mistake. In January 1998 Kriel used his new powers
under that Constitution to bring a DP member, Hennie Bester, into his
cabinet, while offering the ANC a reduced role within it. Ramatlakane
still refers to that offer as “a kick in the teeth”. Heedless of the
fact that Kriel had an overall majority and could manage without them,
the ANC walked out in protest.
Kriel and his successor, Gerald Morkel — the first Coloured premier of
the province — continued to point out that the ANC had never been
“thrown out” of the provincial government by the “white parties” (as
the ANC bitterly put it) but it hardly seemed to matter. The ANC elite
felt unfairly excluded from power, and made much of the fact that they
represented the “socially excluded”, the poorest of the poor, the vast
squatter populations of the Cape flats. In effect the ANC resumed the
“struggle” mode that had prevailed through the 1980s when the movement
led a series of populist campaigns against the white
In fact the grievances of the African elite are light years away from
the concerns of the squatters of Khayelitsha but what is not in doubt
is the instinctive radicalism of this group. Xhosa-speakers from the
Eastern Cape arrive with their strong ANC and Pan Africanist Congress
traditions intact and the experience of living amid the mud, litter,
gangsterism and unemployment of the Cape flats is hardly calculated to
dull their resentments. Survey after survey has shown that this is the
most radical group in the whole of South Africa. After the white
American exchange student, Amy Biehl, was murdered by PAC youths in
August 1993, data from the Launching Democracy survey that I carried
out with Laurence Schlemmer showed that 20 per cent of Western Cape
Xhosa-speakers said they “understood and sympathised” with the murder —
double the figure for Africans elsewhere. This is where Winnie Mandela
comes to be sure of a large, appreciative audience. The ANC’s
re-adoption of the old struggle postures went down easily enough
But Africans make up only 24 per cent of the Western Cape’s
population, whites another 20 per cent — and Coloureds the remaining 56
per cent. The ANC launched an enormous and well-funded attempt to win
power in 1999, making prodigious efforts to capture more of the
Coloured vote, while the NNP and DP, conscious of the mounting
resistance this campaign engendered within their own electorates, vowed
to keep the ANC out.
The feeling that the stakes were both elemental and distinctly higher
in the Western Cape explains why the June election in the province was
quite different from elsewhere. The ANC’s vote leapt to 42.6 per cent
from 33.6 per cent last time, a far bigger improvement than in any
other province. The NNP vote fell from 53.2 per cent to 38.4 per cent
on the provincial ballot, a fall of less than one third, while in the
rest of South Africa the party lost two-thirds of its vote. Elsewhere
the DP multiplied its vote by a factor of 5.5, but in the Western Cape
it rose only from 6.6 per cent to 11.9 per cent (and from 4.2 per cent
to 14.2 per cent on the national ballot).
The sharply polarised campaign affected the Coloured community badly.
Whereas white turnout soared — 82.8 per cent of Western Cape whites
voted compared to only 71.5 per cent nationally — only 63.5 per cent of
Cape Coloureds voted. This can be compared to the 88.5 per cent turnout
of Coloured voters in the Eastern Cape (all statistical data are drawn
from the Helen Suzman Foundation’s 1999 post-election survey).
The ANC’s campaign succeeded in mobilising virtually the totality of
the African vote. Squatter areas are usually ruled by shacklords and
the ANC controls most of these, with the result that Bantu Holomisa’s
United Democratic Movement encountered violent resistance to its
attempts to implant itself here. In our survey no less than 96 per cent
of African respondents said they had voted ANC, but the ANC also raised
its share of the Coloured vote from 25 per cent to 40 per cent. The NNP
vote fell from 73 per cent to 45 per cent among whites and from 69 per
cent to 32 per cent among Coloureds, though 15 per cent of both groups
refused to say who they had voted for. If one works backwards from the
final result one realises that most of the latter must have cast an NNP
vote. The DP doubled its white vote from 13 per cent to 27 per cent and
its Coloured vote from 5 per cent to 10 per cent.
Ever since 1994 the ANC has depicted the Coloured preference for the
NNP as the result of “racist manipulation”, while the whole drift of
politics (especially the TRC revelations of apartheid atrocities) has
been to undermine the NNP’s legitimacy. This, together with the
polarisation of the Western Cape contest, explains much about the vote.
It explains why so many Coloured voters sought refuge in abstention,
why many of those who refused to divulge their vote were NNP voters who
were reluctant to admit it, and why 9 per cent of whites opted out of
the clash by voting for the African Christian Democratic Party.
There was no doubting the efficacy of the ANC campaign or the key role
that the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) played in it.
As Ramatlakane puts it, the ANC adopted a “broad working class
strategy” in which various sections of the Coloured vote were very
carefully targeted, using a sophisticated system which ANC observers of
the 1997 election in the UK brought back from the British Labour Party.
This enabled the party to build up a computerised database listing the
key characteristics of every individual voter and then carefully
breaking down the target market into sub-sets which were then made the
object of separate campaign initiatives.
Given the centrality of the SACP-Cosatu nexus to the provincial ANC it
was not surprising that workers were the target of choice. During the
election all Cosatu shop stewards were seconded to work full-time for
the ANC and an anti-NNP and anti-DP campaign was launched on the
grounds of their opposition to the ANC’s new labour legislation. It
seems to have worked: among those Coloureds employed in the formal
sector (that is, Cosatu’s prime audience) turnout shot up to over 77
per cent, 12 per cent higher than for Coloureds as a whole. Just how
intense the ANC campaign was came through strongly in our survey
results. Whereas 70 per cent of Coloured voters said it was easy to
vote differently from the way politicians wanted them to, only 46 per
cent said it was easy to vote differently from their street committee,
27 per cent that it was easy to vote differently from their trade union
leaders and 24 per cent from their civic. The pressures such grassroots
organisations exerted on working class Coloureds were clearly very
great indeed.
The national election campaign itself had less impact in the Western
Cape than anywhere else. Only 1 per cent of Western Cape Africans said
they made up their mind how to vote in the last two months before the
election (compared to 12 per cent in the rest of South Africa). For
Coloureds the comparable figures were 5 per cent and 17 per cent
respectively and for whites 19 per cent and 43 per cent. Moreover, no
less than 70 per cent of Western Cape whites said they’d made up their
mind how to vote over a year before the election, compared to only 41
per cent of whites in the rest of South Africa. Such figures attest to
the entrenched nature of Western Cape politics and explain why the DP
fared so much less well there. Elsewhere the party’s Fight Back
campaign enjoyed enormous success, producing many late switches to the
DP, but in the Western Cape “Fight Back” had less chance to work
because so many voters were simply unavailable for persuasion.
But the ANC also owed its success to the demoralisation and consequent
abstention of many of its opponents. The Cape Coloured community has
suffered on every front since 1994, not just as result of these
competitive political pressures but from soaring crime and gangsterism,
mounting unemployment and a general sense, even among ANC supporters,
that they have been left out in the distribution of the fruits of
victory. The feeling that affirmative action is for Africans only is
Thus the ANC keeps up a constant barrage of criticism that the top
ranks of the provincial public service are still in white hands and
ceaselessly demands black appointments. It has accused the provincial
administration of refusing to implement affirmative action policies and
failure to ensure “blacks and women” benefit from provincial state
tenders. ANC MPL Tasneem Essop has been particularly vociferous on this
issue. On October 19 an acrimonious row broke out when Morkel removed
from her the chair of the public accounts committee because her
allegedly racist slurs on provincial government officials had made her
relationship with them “unbearable”. The ANC responded by claiming that
the Western Cape is being governed not by its political leaders but by
a cabal of senior white male civil servants. Essop insisted that there
was no discord between her and heads of department. However, according
to the Cape Argus, she accused Niel Barnard, head of the province’s
administration and the last director of the National Intelligence
Agency under the apartheid regime, of “staring at her, nodding
threateningly” when Morkel first criticised her in the
The administration replies to the general criticism on appointments
that it does try to recruit blacks but that it is difficult to get to
them to apply, often because blacks assume they won’t get appointed
there anyway. On the ANC side the whole argument goes on as if Africans
have a prescriptive right to top public sector jobs — even in a
province where Coloureds form the large majority. This can easily end
up with Coloureds having resentments over affirmative action which,
however, they feel are no longer legitimate to express. Strikingly, 38
per cent of Cape Coloureds told us that the ANC was really just “a
party for black people” and only 21 per cent felt that it was for all
races. Even among Coloured ANC voters 16 per cent said the ANC was
really a black people’s party; that they voted for it all the same
suggests a remarkable degree of alienation.
Moreover, as the NNP’s Peter Marais points out, the competition
between the ANC and NNP has soured relations within the Coloured
community and created bitter divisions in many Coloured schools,
churches and other institutions. Coloured teachers who are members of
the ANC-aligned South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (Sadtu), for
example, are likely to see their more conservative colleagues who
refuse to join Sadtu and who vote NNP as traitors to the anti-apartheid
cause, bootlickers of the whites and worse. The latter, who are
comfortable about sharing a language and a church with whites, are
likely to regard such Sadtu colleagues as ideological crazies bent on
betraying Coloured interests so that Africans end up with their houses
and jobs.
Coloured teachers were, it must never be forgotten, the country’s
first non-white intelligentsia and it is among them that the first
bitter controversies over “collaborating with the system” were fought
out. It was they too who first made all-out use of the boycott weapon —
boycotting the system, then those of their colleagues who did not join
the boycott and so on. The conflicting sensitivities which haunt this
world were made no easier to bear by the loss of 6,000 teaching jobs
under the former ANC minister of education, Sibusiso Bengu, although it
was generally admitted that the old National Party government had gone
in for overstaffing as a deliberate patronage gambit.
Our post-election survey data suggested a somewhat defeated and morose
mood among many Cape Coloureds, at odds with that of Coloureds in the
rest of South Africa. Thus when we asked whether “life for you and your
family has got better or worse over the past five years?” only 25 per
cent of Coloureds in the Western Cape said it had got better while 50
per cent said it had got worse. In the rest of South Africa, 41 per
cent of Coloureds said it had got better against only 15 per cent
saying it had got worse. When we asked the same voters what they
thought the prospects were for the next five years, only 41 per cent of
Cape Coloured voters thought their lives would get better compared to
76 per cent of Coloureds in the rest of South Africa. In the rest of
South Africa Coloureds opted heavily for the DP in this election,
behaviour which was also at variance with their counterparts in the
This moroseness was visible at many other points among Cape Coloureds.
For example, we asked respondents whether they were worried that South
Africa might see a decline in its political and economic situation of
the sort experienced in many other African countries. In the rest of
South Africa 75 per cent of Coloured voters said there was no chance of
this and only 5 per cent said that the country was certain to follow
such a path of decline. Yet only 39 per cent of Cape Coloured voters
said there was no chance and 10 per cent said that such a decline was
Remembering that in 1994 many South Africans had voted in a spirit of
happiness and celebration, we also asked respondents what the
atmosphere had been like in their area on election day in 1999. In the
rest of South Africa 62 per cent of Coloureds said there had been the
same happy atmosphere as in 1994, 25 per cent there had been less
happiness and celebration but only 2 per cent said there had been no
happiness or celebration at all. Cape Coloureds felt quite differently:
only 6 per cent reported the same spirit as in 1994, 61 per cent said
there had been a less happy atmosphere than in 1994 and 26 per cent
said there had been little or no such spirit in their area this
Similarly, when we inquired about the spirit of racial reconciliation
which had been such a feature of the transition in 1994 by asking: “How
strong would you say that spirit of reconciliation was by the time of
this year’s election in your area?” we again found that Cape Coloureds
were notably more depressed about the tenor of the times than other
groups. While 54 per cent of Coloureds in the rest of South Africa said
that the spirit of racial reconciliation was even stronger than before
and another 25 per cent said it was just as strong as before, the
comparable figures among Cape Coloureds were respectively just 4 per
cent and 21 per cent.
The strained state of race relations in the Western Cape was also
evident in the very clear differential that existed between both
African and white respondents there and in the rest of South Africa on
this question. 44 per cent of whites in the rest of South Africa
believed that the spirit of reconciliation was just as strong or even
stronger than before but less than half that number believed this in
the Western Cape, with none at all believing that it was stronger than
in 1994.
Whites in the Western Cape were, on other counts, more confident and
optimistic than elsewhere. 75 per cent of Western Cape whites were
committed to staying in South Africa compared to 66 per cent of whites
elsewhere. And whereas 22 per cent of whites nationally said that they
would emigrate if they could, the proportion saying this in the Western
Cape was only 11 per cent. No doubt this reflects not only the fact
that the Cape is still in non-ANC hands but also the fact that many
Western Cape whites have moved there from elsewhere in South Africa and
plan to retire there.
At the moment such folk have some grounds for satisfaction. The ANC
were indeed kept out of power even though they gained a plurality of
votes (42 per cent), when the NNP (38.3 per cent) and the DP (11.9 per
cent) forged a ruling coalition. Morkel offered the ANC leader, Ebrahim
Rasool, one cabinet post which he indignantly turned down. An
extraordinary few days followed, during which both Mandela and the
Archbishop of Cape Town attempted to intervene and immense pressure was
put on the coalition to admit the ANC plurality to power. Morkel
finally improved his offer to three cabinet posts, but this too was
declined. The local ANC has been left to reflect that had it not walked
out of the government of provincial unity in January 1998 but had stuck
with it all the way to the election, it would have been well-nigh
impossible for the NNP to disown its coalition partner in 1999. In this
case, as the larger of the two parties, the ANC would almost certainly
have taken over both the premiership and the majority of executive
After an initially rocky period, when the ANC bussed in 10,000
protestors to toyi-toyi outside the provincial legislature and Cosatu
threatened rolling mass action to bring down the provincial government,
things have settled down. Many believe that the ANC backed away from
mass action thanks to a sharp word from President Mbeki, who had no
wish to see his grand gestures on the international stage overshadowed
by a bitter provincial confrontation caused by the ANC’s refusal to
accept an election result. Ramatlakane is now keen to distance the ANC
from the initial mass action campaign against the provincial
government. “That was Cosatu, not us”, he says, and stresses how
responsible the ANC is. One of his chief accusations against the new
provincial government is, indeed, that “they’re stealing all our
policies” — suggesting a degree of consensus on the substance of
This is music to the ears of the DP in particular. “We always said
we’d concentrate on improving service delivery and on the lot of the
poorest of the poor,” says James Selfe, MP. “We have led the way in
policy development but if the ANC is complaining about us stealing
their policies, that simply means that our strategy is working”. What
is certain is that the DP has now emerged as a major new player in the
game. Until 1999 the ANC assumed that it merely had to vanquish the NNP
to win power in the Cape. Since June it has had to face the fact that
it will need to defeat the DP as well. For the possibility now exists
that the DP, buoyed by its role as the official Opposition, will
overtake the NNP in the Western Cape — as it has almost everywhere else
in South Africa — and provide the ANC with an opponent which, it knows
it must never underestimate again. The four DP MECs in the Western Cape
have captured much of the limelight since the coalition government’s
formation and to all intents and purposes they appear to be driving the
government along. Helen Zille, MEC for education, receives enormous
positive publicity, while Hennie Bester, the DP leader, is widely known
as “the invisible premier”. Already many in the Western Cape are
beginning to feel they have a DP government.
“I realised as soon as we entered the government that I had to have a
relationship of complete trust with Gerald Morkel, the premier”, says
Bester, “everything depends on that. I share absolutely everything with
Gerald and I don’t hold back about anything. If we are going to work
together for five years, then there can be no fruitful co-operation
unless we both trust one another to tell each other the truth and so I
try to do that on every occasion. I have an excellent working
relationship with Gerald.” Bester and the other DP MECs stress how
different it is being in government from simply having to adopt
postures of opposition. “You have to make decisions all the time and
choose between alternatives neither of which may be exactly what you
wanted”, says Bester. “Happily, our relationship with our national
colleagues is excellent”. It comes as something of a shock to realise
that when Bester says this, he is not referring to the DP caucus in
Parliament but to central government ministers. However, Bester and his
colleagues are under no illusions that they owe their seats to Tony
Leon’s leadership.
It is difficult to believe that the DP did not get the better of their
bargain with the NNP in June: they took two of the biggest spending
ministries, health and education, with the result that their four MECs
control well over 60 per cent of the provincial budget. Morkel seems to
have required only two things: keeping out the ANC and retaining his
premiership. He may have been happy at the time to concede health and
education to the DP, since the ANC and Cosatu were threatening mass
action which boiled down to action by the public sector unions, Sadtu
and Nehawu. If that was the calculation it has backfired.
One suspects that the ANC has taken full note of the new style of
delivery led by the DP. Rasool has asked what sort of party it is that
hands over the real driving role in the government to a minority party,
realising that this is what the ANC will have to compete with. But the
atmosphere of relative détente in the provincial assembly has another
explanation. The ANC wishes to woo that faction of the NNP led by Peter
Marais. He would like the NNP to ditch the increasingly threatening DP
and return to a coalition with the ANC. Marais argues that Morkel’s
coalition formula amounts to the NPP simply sitting back and watching
the DP steal its electorate. A renewed NNP-ANC deal, he suggests, is
also the only way to heal the wounds of party division within a
Coloured community which has quite enough problems already.
Marais has used this argument as a vehicle for his own leadership
ambitions within the NNP — clearly with the support of the ANC who were
hoping that Marais would challenge Morkel for the NNP leadership at the
party’s September congress. In the event, to the disappointment of the
ANC, Marais failed to do so, clearly believing that he lacked
sufficient support and knowing that Morkel was likely to punish him for
an open challenge by sacking him from his position in the provincial
The ANC is clearly unwilling to accept this setback as definitive.
Ramatlakane would not even rule out the possibility of the ANC allowing
a smaller party to have the premiership if that was the price of the
ANC entering the government. But the ANC in the Western Cape has
peculiar problems. It has already had four leaders in four years: Allan
Boesak, Dullah Omar, Chris Nissan and Ebrahim Rasool and might even
have had five. For many believe that the party wanted to endorse Teresa
Solomon, the popular former mayor of Cape Town, as its provincial
candidate for premier and that Rasool was picked again only when
Solomon moved to America and became unavailable.
The ANC’s problem, of course, is that the bulk of its vote comes from
the African community but that it cannot win the province without
substantial Coloured support. Every Coloured leader has been told in
effect that he must deliver the Coloured vote — a tall order. Rasool,
who has come closest to doing that, still finds his position under
pressure. The province’s director general, Niel Barnard, is suing him
for libel, and the ANC has distanced itself from the case. Given that
Rasool now admits that the allegations of corruption over casino
licences made against Barnard were ill-judged, he is likely to find
himself having to pay substantial damages and costs on a scale that
might well bankrupt him. If that happens the ANC will either have to
soldier on under a fatally damaged leader or ditch Rasool and choose
yet another new provincial leader.
The split between Morkel and Marais within the NNP has put the DP in
the position of having to protect and support Morkel if they want the
coalition to continue. As luck would have it the DP faced the NNP in a
council by-election in Monte Vista in Cape Town’s northern suburbs just
before the NNP Congress in September. The NNP, fearing the worst,
pleaded with the DP not to stand — a remarkable admission of weakness,
for Monte Vista is about 70 per cent Afrikaans-speaking and
predominantly a white working-class area, with Coloureds making up
about 15 per cent of the electorate. In 1994 the DP had taken just 4
per cent of the vote there and in June 1999, 25 per cent. In September
it shot up to 45 per cent. It was probably just as well for the DP that
it did not win, for the loss of such an NNP redoubt might well have
tipped the balance for Marais against Morkel at the NNP congress.
Inevitably, this situation causes some within the DP to wonder whether
they should not make a more formal and longer term deal with the NNP.
“Oddly, some of my white friends in the DP find it harder to
countenance such a deal than I do,” says Glen Adams, the DP’s Coloured
MEC for environmental and cultural affairs. “But if I can find it in my
heart to forgive the NNP, why can’t they?” The NNP’s trump card is its
hardcore of working-class Coloured support. There is spasmodic talk of
launching a Coloured party but the truth is that that is very largely
what the NNP has become. In just a few years the NNP has become deeply
rooted in the Coloured community and Adams, not surprisingly, would
like to feel closer to those roots.
“If you go to a DP congress you can feel a lot of things will have to
change if Coloureds are to feel fully at home there. It’s not just too
white but too intellectual,” he says. Moreover both the NNP and ANC are
instinctive players of patronage politics — which is what the Coloured
community understands and expects — while DP MECs are quite indignant
about being asked to find jobs for pals within the public service. But
for the moment the wind is in the DP’s sails and it is clearly gaining
ground. The imponderable is how long this can go on without exerting
intolerable strains on the present governing coalition.
There are other imponderables too. In November 2000 the local
elections for the Cape megacity will see a renewed triangular battle
between the parties. None of the parties is likely to win a majority on
its own, but the prize is so big — the city’s budget will far exceed
that of the province — that the full gamut of coalition possibilities
will have to be examined all over again. There are already tensions
between the ANC controlled city council and the province. If a megacity
coalition were formed on a different party basis from that which exists
at regional level, such tensions could only increase.
An even larger imponderable is the continuing inflow of migrants from
the Eastern Cape, who will almost all be ANC voters. In the end the
ANC’s hopes of victory depend on this migratory flow which has already
made Cape Town’s population nearly one-third African. Nobody knows for
sure the size of the Eastern Cape influx, though everyone rejects the
official figure of 19,000 net immigrants a year as laughable. Even if
the migration is as large as some think, it has to be remembered that
perhaps as many as 800,000 potential voters either failed to obtain
bar-coded IDs or failed to register or simply failed to vote in 1999.
The mobilisation of this missing third of the electorate could overturn
all calculations based on any straight-line projection of Eastern Cape
What does seem certain is that the NNP’s future is now purely that of
a regional party. The example of the IFP suggests that a regional party
cannot mount a full challenge at the national level and that once
regionalisation has set in it is extremely difficult for a party to
break into other provinces. The drama being played out in Cape Town is
not just about whether the ANC will one day govern the Western Cape. It
also about whether the DP can attract sufficient black and brown
support to effect a transformation process all its own, and whether the
NNP can survive at all.