Figures for HIV infection collected from the annual antenatal survey are the most accurate forecast of Aids deaths.

Some people believe that the increasing incidence of child rape may be linked to myths about Aids.
The Human Rights Commission's findings and recommendations on racism in the media will be a key test of its independence.
The President of the Medical Research Council talks to Simon Dagut.
The independent newspapers bitterly regret the too-easy ride the press gave Robert Mugabe and his party for many years.
Zanu-PF is riven with dissent and blames the outside world for its troubles. Andrew Meldrum and RW Johnson report.
Government support for Robert Mugabe has given the South African media a few headaches.
President Thabo Mbeki's quiet diplomacy over Zimbabwe has failed.
Robert Mugabe and his party have always used violence and torture against their opponents.
In the week of May 14, Border Timbers Sawmill in Chimanimani, Zimbabwe was invaded by 'war veterans'.