A uniformed "apartheid general" gives a
Nazi-type salute to Tony Leon while thanking the Democratic Party
leader for shielding him from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
A strongly built man wearing an armband with the swastika-like,
triple-seven emblem of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging emblazoned on
it carries a banner proclaiming that the newly-formed Democratic
Alliance "protects us against the kaffirs". Sandwiched between the two
is Helen Zille, provincial minister of education in the Western Cape
government, her arm raised toward Leon in what might be a Nazi-style
salute. These caricatures in a pamphlet issued by the African National
Congress in the Western Cape during the run-up to the December 5 local
government elections are just the most recent example of the ANC's
inclination to damn liberals as neo-Nazis.
One of the most blatant manifestations of this tendency was Dr Bukelwa
Mbulawa's speech delivered to Parliament shortly after her election as
an ANC MP in 1999. "There is no place for the resurgence of neo-Nazism
as espoused by the DP under the uninspiring leadership of Tony Leon,"
she declared. In his bid to become leader of the Opposition in
Parliament, Leon had abandoned the "noble principles" espoused by
former stalwarts of the DP such as Helen Suzman and Zach de Beer and
welcomed conservatives, racists and extreme right-wing activists into
the party. Mbulawa even named the newcomers who had polluted the ranks
of the DP with neo-Nazism and "white fascism": former National Party
cabinet ministers Rina Venter and Tertius Delport, former newspaper
editor Nigel Bruce and KwaZulu-Natal farmer and DP politician Graham
McIntosh. Her speech was especially barbed because in the previous
Parliament Mbulawa had been a DP MP, but was persuaded to join the ANC
shortly before the 1999 general election.
About a month later ANC national executive member Dumisani Makhaye
took up Mbulawa's theme in an article published in The Mercury. Noting
with approval that his political colleagues in Parliament had branded
the DP as neo-Nazi or neo-fascist, he accused the party - and its
predecessors - of proclaiming the sanctity of private property but of
having been conspicuously silent on the destruction of black property
rights by the former government. "[The] DP has clearly and openly
shifted to the extreme right, even in relation to the National Party,
and has at every turn attacked the rights of working people with a
special venom," he declared. "Whether fascism will not arrive in South
Africa because of the DP or in spite of it is open to debate."
These denigrations of the DP - and its partner in the new Democratic
Alliance, the New National Party - are asserted or insinuated as
matters of undisputed fact. No attempt is made to reconcile the
allegations with the DP's avowedly liberal principles. Makhaye's
pronouncement that the DP and its predecessors were silent when black
property rights were violated takes no account of repeated protests
against forced removals by Helen Suzman when she represented the
Progressive Party and the Progressive Federal Party in parliament for
30 years. Nor does it acknowledge the role of Peter Brown of the
Liberal Party - another of the DP's political antecedents - who
campaigned against the eviction of black tenants from farms and the
forced removal of black people in Natal and was banned under the
Suppression of Communism Act.
Mbulawa's speech, like Makhaye's article and the ANC pamphlet, can, of
course, be dismissed as unrepresentative of ANC thinking, an excessive
rhetorical indulgence that should not be taken seriously. But that
would be a mistake. They are logical extensions of two theses that are
deeply embedded in the ANC's collective mindset. The first, which dates
back over 30 years, equates the National Party with Hitler's National
Socialist or Nazi Party and apartheid with Nazism. The second, and much
more recent thesis, equates opposition to the ANC government's policy
of transformation and demographic representivity, however carefully
qualified, as nostalgia for the apartheid past and thus as evidence of
Perhaps the most important and sustained expression of the thesis
equating the NP (which governed South Africa from 1948 to 1994) with
the Nazi Party of the Third Reich and apartheid with Nazism is
contained in Brian Bunting's book, The Rise of the South African Reich.
Now retired, Bunting, a dedicated communist and major theoretician, is
a former MP. He was elected as a special representative of blacks in
1952 and then, after a long period of exile, in 1994 as member of the
First published in 1964 and revised and republished at least twice,
his book documented the anti-Semitism of the NP in the 1930s and 1940s
and the influence on its thinking of Nazism in a chapter entitled
"Followers of Hitler". It noted that in 1940 the NP in the Transvaal
"actually incorporated in its constitution a provision debarring Jews
from membership". Another chapter entitled "South Africa's Nuremberg
Laws" drew parallels between the Third Reich's racist laws and those of
South Africa under National Party rule. As Bunting noted,
apartheid-inspired legislation sanctioned racial discrimination,
enforced segregation from cradle to grave except when blacks were
needed as farm labourers and factory workers and as cooks and nannies,
proscribed interracial sex and marriage, and - it should be added -
sought to deprive blacks of South African nationality by imposing the
nationality of ersatz tribal states on them.
Naturally Bunting's book was banned in South Africa. Copies were
nevertheless smuggled in and widely read in original and samizdat
forms. It was also read and discussed by the ANC in exile. In a
statement to the UN Special Committee Against Apartheid in 1964 - the
year in which Bunting's book was first published - Thabo Mbeki, then a
young man in exile in Britain, alluded to the Nazi connection. Pleading
for intervention on behalf of the ANC leaders indicted in the Rivonia
Trial, including his father, Govan, he said: "Yet today he [Govan
Mbeki] stands accused and his accusers, who only yesterday found glory
in Nazi Germany, stand in the full twilight of their cynical and
inhuman power."
Nearly 36 years later, as South Africa's second democratically elected
president, Mbeki returned to that theme. "The destruction of the Nazi
and fascist regimes in the world was one of the principal outcomes of
the Second World War," he said in his opening speech to the national
conference on racism in September. "The apartheid system constituted a
latter-day manifestation of the crime against humanity that Nazism and
fascism had imposed on the European, Asian and wider world more than a
decade earlier."
In the same speech Mbeki appeared to minimise white opposition to
apartheid. After arguing that the black oppressed could not distinguish
between whites who "elected to enforce a racist system and those who
were the involuntary beneficiaries of racism", he observed that "very
few of our white compatriots broke ranks with the system of white
minority rule to join the black millions who were in rebellion against
racist rule." To laughter and cheers from the predominantly black and
pro-ANC audience, he added, "You may not have been against us, which we
only know from what you say, but you were not with us, which we know
because you were not with us in the struggle."
Taken as a whole these comments seem to set at naught the actions of
whites who chose to oppose apartheid within the parameters of the law,
voting against the NP, challenging its buttressing ideology from
pulpits, lecterns and newsrooms, participating in protest vigils and
protest marches (at the risk of being abused, spat at and even
physically attacked) and defying summonses to report for national
service. The unspoken implication was that all but a handful of pro-ANC
whites were active proponents or silent accomplices to fascism
Another speaker at the conference on racism, the articulate and
erudite ANC frontbencher Pallo Jordan, reinforced that view when he
scathingly compared the "collective amnesia" of whites about apartheid
with the holocaust denial of many Germans who lived through Nazism.
Jordan was responding to a white member of the National Union of
Mineworkers who had launched an attack on affirmative action from the
conference floor. Jordan later made it clear that he was only comparing
the phenomenon of mass denial in the two countries, not equating
apartheid policies with the holocaust itself. According to Brewer's
Dictionary of the 20th Century Phrase and Fable the word "holocaust" is
defined specifically as the extermination of six million European Jews
by the Germans under Hitler.
Jordan was right to make his disclaimer, for the missing element in
the equation of apartheid with Nazism has always been the absence in
South Africa of evidence of a deliberate plan to exterminate blacks
comparable to the Nazis' final solution of the "Jewish problem". ANC
minister Kader Asmal attempted to grapple with that problem in the 1996
book that he co-authored with his wife Louise and Trinidad-born Ronald
Suresh Roberts, Reconciliation Through Truth: a Reckoning of
Apartheid's Criminal Governance. They wrote of "striking similarities"
and "substantial overlap" between the two policies. They conceded,
however, that "the systematic process of hi-tech Nazi exterminations
had no equivalent in South Africa" and that apartheid was not "a
duplication of Nazi policies". But they reasoned: "apartheid
nonetheless amounted, under international law, to a form of genocide .
. . There were no gas chambers, but there can be genocide without gas
chambers, which is what many apartheid dumping grounds achieved."
But comparing the National Party to Nazis plays too well on the
international stage to let such historical niceties get in the way. In
June 1992, after the massacre of more than 40 Boipatong residents, an
event which led the ANC to break contact with the De Klerk government,
Nelson Mandela said: "Just as the Nazis in Germany killed people simply
because they were Jews, the National Party regime is killing our people
simply because they are black." (It later transpired that invaders from
the nearby KwaMadala Hostel were responsible for the massacre without
the alleged police involvement.) Less than a year later, in an address
to the British Parliament, Mandela likened the "pernicious system of
racism in South Africa" to the "similar system in Nazi Germany". In his
evidence to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Aboobaker Ismail,
former head of Umkhonto special operations, justified the ANC bombings
in which civilians died by comparing them with Allied bombing of German
cities during the Second World War. These were considered legitimate
targets, he said, because the Allies were seen as "liberators from the
Nazi beast".
The equation of the NP with the Nazi Party now provides the rationale
for the ANC attack on the merger between the New National Party and the
Democratic Party. The ANC characterises the pact as an attempt by
right-wingers, in the words of ANC propaganda chief Smuts Ngonyama, "to
come together for a final onslaught". According to Ngonyama "The New
National Party comes from the old racist National Party and the
Democratic Party comes from the old United Party. Both their ancestors
have been involved in quarrels on how best to oppress the African
majority. That quarrel has ended and the two parties now totally agree
that the African ruling party should be rigorously opposed at all
The ANC's inclination to smear its white opponents as overt or covert
neo-fascists might be an effective propaganda stratagem. But it is
based on an inaccurate interpretation and application of history. The
National Party certainly had a period of flirtation with Nazism. But in
the end its leader during the war years (1939-45), D.F. Malan, fought
and won a political battle for the soul of Afrikaners against the
overtly fascist movements seeking their allegiance. By the 1948
election the NP had established itself as the premier political voice
of Afrikaner nationalism. The fascist movements - Ossewabrandwag, the
Grey Shirts and the New Order - were withering on the sidelines. The NP
rejected the Führer principle, the idea of an infallible leader.
Instead it practised democracy within its own ranks and advocated a
restricted form of parliamentary democracy.
The rejection of Führerism, a fundamental tenet of Nazism, had an
important consequence: NP leaders who had served their purpose or who
had overrun their time were prevailed upon to give way to new men
(Malan in 1954, B. J. Vorster in 1978 and P.W. Botha in 1989 come to
mind). The advent of the three men who led the NP between 1966 and
1944, Vorster, Botha and F.W. De Klerk, was marked in each case by a
new surge of reformism, taking the NP further away from the original
apartheid doctrines. While powerful or kragdadige Afrikaners led the
NP, none attained the status of Führer and none was able to lead the
Afrikaner people to a Götterdämmerung. Instead there was a gradual
process of reform and renewal, leading - in response to demographic,
economic and political pressures - to abandonment of fundamental
apartheid doctrines and eventually to De Klerk's momentous decision to
negotiate a peaceful settlement.
While Malan rejected the fascist notion of dictatorship by a Führer in
favour of a limited form of democracy for whites, the United Party of
J.C. Smuts led South Africa into the war against Nazi Germany. Whatever
its limitations as a vehicle for democracy in South Africa, the UP was
a strong opponent of fascism in Europe and its local variants,
particularly the Ossewabrandwag. And whatever his deficiencies as a
reformer within South Africa, Smuts was not an admirer of Nazism.
Acclaimed as an international statesman abroad, he helped draw up the
UN charter and recognised that segregation had fallen on evil
Another pivotal Nazi notion, expansionist wars against neighbouring
states to obtain lebensraum, was not adopted by the NP. On the
contrary, as Heribert Adam noted in his seminal book on apartheid,
Modernising Racial Domination, apartheid ideologues wanted to sacrifice
land to neighbouring states in order to reduce the number of blacks
within a territorially truncated South Africa. Military incursions into
neighbouring states in the 1970s and 1980s was prompted by an attempt
to create a cordon sanitaire against ANC guerrillas, not a quest for
Though some Afrikaner leaders flirted transiently with Nazism,
Christianity was a far more important and enduring influence on the
NP's ideological evolution. Long before the ferment of the 1980s when
successive Afrikaner leaders concluded that apartheid was neither
politically viable nor scripturally justifiable and when Afrikaner
theologians were rejecting as heresy earlier attempts by their brethren
to vindicate apartheid, Christianity critically influenced the
evolution of apartheid ideology. As the Afrikaner political analyst
Hermann Giliomee observed recently, Afrikaner theologians and
intellectuals sought to provide apartheid with "an ethical
Three early but seminal influences were the writings in the 1950s of
Afrikaner theologians Ben Marais (Colour:Unsolved Problem of the West),
A.D. Keet (Whither South Africa?) and the poet and intellectual N.P.
Van Wyk Louw (Liberale Nasionalise). Two common themes ran through
their publications: rejection of oppression as the solution to the
perceived threat to Afrikanerdom by the black majority and, as a
corollary, postulation of complete territorial segregation as an
ethical alternative to baaskap. Long before NP politicians punted the
notion of separate or parallel development, Van Wyk Louw was writing
about a fifty-year plan to transform existing policy into one aiming at
the eventual formation of two states, one for blacks and one for
whites. That was his "new liberalism", his version of the political
notion, "separate but equal". Van Wyk Louw's influence on Afrikaner
thinking was profound and continued to percolate through Afrikanerdom
long after his death in 1970. Afrikaner survival was not enough. As
Gilomee put it, Van Wyk Louw stood for voortbestaan in geregtigheid or
survival in justice. It became a powerful notion in Afrikanerdom, one
that was taken up by a succession of Afrikaner religious and
intellectual leaders in later years. Later flagbearers were Beyers
Naude, of the Christian Institute, Fred Van Wyk of the Institute of
Race Relations, and Johan Heyns, a moderator of the Nederduitse
Geformeerde Kerk.
The trail that they started out on led after much soul-searching to
the rejection of the central tenets of apartheid, including - on the
grounds of impracticality - the idea of grand apartheid or territorial
partition. It ended with the negotiated settlement that marked the
birth of a non-racial South Africa.
Survival in justice is, of course, the complete antithesis of survival
through suppression and subjugation. The onus is on those who equate
Afrikaner nationalism with Nazism to demonstrate irrefutably that it
entertained genocidal intentions towards blacks in the same way as the
Nazis advocated the final solution for the "Jewish Problem". It is not
enough to point to the massive disruption and suffering wrought by
forced removals. Evil though relocation at gunpoint is, it is not
evidence of genocide, particularly when the authorities responded to
adverse publicity with attempts to improve the plight of the "discarded
people", as the victims of relocation became known. Close study of
forced removal in South Africa identifies the objective as a belated
and futile attempt at territorial segregation of the races, not a
genocidal campaign against black people. It is true, of course, that
blacks were made to bear the cost, in terms of human suffering and lost
lives, for plans devised by apartheid social engineers. But the reams
of theorising about apartheid contain no equivalent of Mein Kampf
sanctioning the mass murder of people deemed to be inferior.
If the apostles of apartheid were as ruthless and efficient as the
Nazis - which is what the equation of the NP with the Nazi Party
implies - it would be logical to anticipate a reduction in black
numbers. That is not the case, however. Giliomee, quoting the
demographer Jan Sadie, notes that the black population grew twice as
fast in the last decade of white government as in the decade before the
advent to power of the NP in 1948. Black life expectancy rose from 38
to 64 and infant mortality declined from 175 to 55 per 1000 births, he
adds in an article published in Beeld. In retrospect it is clear that
the faster than anticipated growth in the black population was a major
factor in gradual loss of control over black people, particularly in
the townships, by the white minority government.
The increase in coloured life expectancy and the decrease in coloured
infant mortality is even more spectacular. According to figures quoted
by Giliomee in his 1996 presidential address to the Institute of Race
Relations, between 1950 and 1980 the life expectancy of coloured men
rose by ten years and that of coloured women by 15, while coloured
infant mortality fell by two-thirds between 1970 and 1985.
Devoid of the notions of Führerprinzip - the doctrine which lauds
dictatorship, expansionist wars for lebensraum and genocide as a final
solution, apartheid cannot, and should not, be equated with Nazism. The
South African Communist Party (SACP) is closer to the mark when it
describes the situation in pre-liberation South Africa as "colonialism
of a special type". It has much in common with kindred forms of
colonialism, in which the colonised society is structured and exploited
in the interests of the colonisers. In a recent speech to the Justice
Colloquium Penuell Maduna, the justice minister, concedes as much when
he describes apartheid as "an offshoot of colonialism".
Many of the policies pursued under apartheid - control over the
movement of indigenous people, denial or restriction of their civil
rights, corralling of them into reservations, and placing them on the
lowest rung of a racial hierarchy dominated by whites - are similar to
those of colonial powers and settler governments elsewhere in the
world. In apartheid South Africa, however, as the SACP notes in The
Path to Power, the colonial ruling class and the oppressed colonial
people were located "within a single country". Provided one recognises
the importation of slaves to the Americas as a feature of colonialism,
that definition can be held to apply to the Deep South in the United
States before racial segregation was swept away by the civil rights
campaign. Speeches by NP politicians when they began to implement
apartheid policies after the NP's 1948 election victory show that their
frame of reference was not Nazi Germany but the Deep South in the
If there is scant historical justification for equating the NP's
apartheid policy with Nazism, there is still less justification for
characterising the policies of the DP, the NNP and, hence, the
Democratic Alliance as neo-Nazi. Their policies endorse the values
enshrined in the 1996 Constitution, including equal rights and
opportunities for all South Africans, irrespective of race. Their
agenda is not vastly different from that of ANC. Though they question
the means deployed by the ANC, particularly its commitment to equality
of outcomes and its re-emphasis of race as a criterion for differential
treatment, their vision of the future is essentially similar: a
non-racial, democratic and open society. They share the same declared
ends but believe their route is safer and shorter. They are actively
seeking to recruit black people to their ranks, not to suppress
Perhaps they have attracted the vitriol of ANC propagandists because
they are feared as potentially successful competitors for the black
vote. The ANC, which still regards itself as the sole and authentic
representative of the people, is demonising the liberal opposition just
as it demonised its rivals during the liberation struggle. By
constantly comparing liberals to the genocidal Nazis, the governing
party hopes to inculcate in them a paralysing sense of shame and to
undermine the opposition's constitutional right to exist.