David Fig contends that South Africa needs to forge a development path that eschews nuclear power.

William Mervin Gumede appraises the chances of the prospective candidates vying to succeed Mbeki.
Patrick Laurence argues that local government is ill-prepared to serve as the main delivery point of social services.
Charles Simkins assesses the impediments confronting Mbeki as he seeks to reduce poverty and unemployment.
Lungile Madywabe reckons South Africa should avoid over-regulation of labour while protecting workers from exploitation.
Andrew Kenny sees nuclear power as the solution to South Africa’s growing need for electricity.
Lawrence Schlemmer offers an alternative future scenario to those of gossamer optimists and gloomy pessimists.
Summary - When the ANC came to power it had the chance to offer the country a fresh start by abolishing all racial preferencing and promoting equal opportunity for all.
Rob Amato counts the costs of floor-crossing in an electoral system without individual accountability.