David Welsh detects worrying signs of corrosion in South Africa’s post-apartheid democracy.

Lungile Madywabe rejects capitalist and socialist development paradigms and argues for a third African way.
Patrick Laurence appraises new evidence of discrepancies between the draft and final versions of the arms-deal report.
Howard Preece ponders whether South Africa’s dependence on world trade could loosen the ANC’s hold on power.
Britt Youens finds evidence of abundant entrepreneurial enthusiasm but fewer signs of its sustainability.
Lawrence Schlemmer reflects on the administrative deficiencies that could seriously impede poverty alleviation.
Andrew Meldrum reports on how Mugabe crushed an incipient revolt in Zanu-PF and evaluates its significance.
Summary - The aggressive way in which president Thabo Mbeki responds to critics of the government has created a storm of controversy.