
HSF Briefs

Financial Regulation in South Africa – Brief II of II
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 04 Jul 2019
This is the second of two briefs looking at South Africa’s financial regulation, specifically the newly formed Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) and CEO, Dube Tshidi. The first brief looked at the FSCA and its “Twin Peaks” model, querying whether taking on this model of financial regulation was necessary and what the potential consequences might be. This brief looks at the legal woes the CEO of the FSCA has come up against, past and present.
Financial Regulation in South Africa – Brief I of II
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 04 Jul 2019
This is the first of 2 briefs looking at South Africa’s financial regulation, specifically the newly formed Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) and it’s CEO, Dube Tshidi. This brief looks at the FSCA and its “Twin Peaks” model, querying whether or not taking on this model of financial regulation was necessary and what the potential consequences might be. The second brief looks at some of the legal woes the CEO of the FSCA has come up against, past and present.
Recent ANC Comments on Prescribed Assets for Financial Institutions - Brief II of II
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 01 Jul 2019
This is the second Brief of two that looks prescribed assets, as touted by the ANC. It looks at the potential consequences and finishes with a conclusion. The first Brief introduced us to the idea of prescribed assets; why the idea has been tabled by the ANC; the history of prescribed assets and the lessons learned; is it required to cause private sector investment into government projects; and is it lawful?
Economy Briefs
Recent ANC Comments on Prescribed Assets for Financial Institutions - Brief I of II
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 01 Jul 2019
This is the first Brief of two, introducing the idea of prescribed assets: why it has been raised within the ANC, the history of prescribed assets in South Africa and the lessons learned; is it required for private sector investment into government projects and is it lawful? The second Brief looks at the potential consequences and finishes with a conclusion.
Economy Briefs