
HSF Briefs

Monetary Policy
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 13 Jun 2019
In this brief, Charles Simkins examines the Reserve Bank's approach to monetary policy.
Economy Briefs
Debt - the millstone around Eskom’s neck
Author: Anton van Dalsen
Published: 10 Jun 2019
This brief analyses the magnitude of the problem posed by Eskom’s massive debt, coupled with the lack of information on what is being done about it.
Economy Briefs Energy
Deepening Democracy: Petitions - What are they and how do they work?
Author: Kimera Chetty
Published: 22 May 2019
The Sixth Parliament officially sits on 22 May 2019, and sets in motion renewed opportunities to engage our public representatives and hold them accountable to their Constitutional mandate. The HSF will consider these questions through a series of briefs exploring how to deepen our democracy. This brief explains what petitions are, and how to use them.
Briefs Politics Governance Promoting Constitutional Democracy
The Political Economy Of Corruption
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 02 May 2019
Pierre de Vos published an article entitled Why Ramaphosa is probably not in a position to end corruption and patronage in Daily Maverick on 29 April, drawing on a study by Wits Professor Karl von Holdt. This brief discusses the completeness and the plausibility of their arguments.
Briefs Fighting Corruption Securing Accountability
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 25 Apr 2019
The particular horror evoked by genocide exists for three main reasons. Genocide is murder at a mass scale, it is usually perpetrated against the defenseless and, although tensions may build up over decades or even centuries, it can flare up very rapidly.
Briefs International Comparative