
HSF Briefs

The African Continental Free Trade Area III – Is Africa ready?
Author: Tove van Lennep
Published: 15 Jan 2019
This brief speaks to the likelihood of achieving the African free trade area against imminent challenges, including Nigerian membership, diverging state interests and obstacles to negotiation and implementation.
Economy Africa Briefs Trade International
The African Continental Free Trade Area I – An Introduction to AfCFTA
Author: Tove van Lennep
Published: 15 Jan 2019
This brief explores the current status of the historic African free trade agreement, an agreement intended to unite fifty-four African states and over a billion people under the banner of economic growth and autonomy.
Economy Africa Briefs Trade International
Companies Amendment Bill, 2018: Our submission to the Department
Author: Cherese Thakur
Published: 12 Dec 2018
This brief summarises the Helen Suzman Foundation’s submission to Department of Trade and Industry regarding the Companies Amendment Bill, 2018. It proposes that in order to promote openness and transparency, the Companies Act should be amended to allow the public to access share registers by request to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission.
Briefs Companies Amendment Bill Justice Transparency Share Registers Access Companies Act Fighting Corruption
The State Of The South African Refugee Protection Regime: Part III - Party Politics
Author: Tove van Lennep
Published: 05 Dec 2018
Asylum has become a battleground for party politics and electioneering.This brief - the third in a three-part series - reviews the asylum policies and statements of four of South Africa’s major political parties (the ANC, DA, EFF and COPE) in the run up to the 2019 election.
Asylum Briefs Migration Refugees Politics International
Eskom’s latest tariff application - Our Submission to the National Energy Regulator
Author: Anton van Dalsen
Published: 03 Dec 2018
This brief contains a summary of the Helen Suzman Foundation’s submission to the National Energy Regulator on Eskom’s latest tariff application. It describes the extremely serious financial situation in which Eskom finds itself and the strategic issues that need to be addressed.
Economy Briefs Infrastructure Energy Politics Mining Governance Fighting Corruption