
HSF Briefs

Corruption and political party funding: Debating the means to a desirable end
Author: Matthew Kruger
Published: 14 Oct 2015
Political questions rarely have easy answers. Even when we agree that a particular goal is desirable—end corruption, for example—we often disagree over the appropriate means to that end. Here I consider one possible means by which to combat corruption, namely, the regulation of the disclosure of political party funding, as well as some of the difficulties that accompany its actual use.
Briefs Fighting Corruption
Author: Arvitha
Published: 08 Oct 2015
This Brief deals with the genetic link requirement in section 294 of the Children's Act which deals with surrogacy agreements and genetic origin of a child, being declared invalid by the High Court in Pretoria.
Briefs Health
The Ghost of the SADC Tribunal Comes Back to Haunt Zimbabwe
Author: Kameel Premhid
Published: 23 Sep 2015
The sale in execution of property previously owned by the Zimbabwean Government on 21 September 2015 is one of several notable legal developments with respect to the SADC Tribunal.
Briefs International