August Production Estimates And April To June Quarterly Employment Statistics
Given the uncertainties about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic and the response of the economy to it and to the measures taken to combat it, it is ...
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HSF Briefs
Austerity And A Permanent Income Shock
This brief distinguishes between a policy of austerity and the fact of a permanent decline in per capita income, arguing that South Africa should adapt to a ...
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Budget Challenges I: The Economic Environment
This is the first of three briefs on the challenges to be faced in the presentation of the 2019 Budget on 20 February. It deals with the global and local ...
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Budget Challenges II: Public Debt
This is the second of three briefs on the challenges to be faced in the presentation of the 2019 Budget on 20 February. The first brief dealt with the ...
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Budget Challenges III: Revenue And Expenditure
This is the third of three briefs on the challenges to be faced in the presentation of the 2019 Budget on 20 February. It deals with revenue and expenditure. ...
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Business Licensing Bill
This Brief summarises some of the aspects of the Business Licensing Bill and considers what it could mean for business. It showcases State and Private Sector ...
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Business Licensing Bill pt. II
The proposed Business Licensing Bill, which has been lambasted by critics as draconian and impossible to implement, will be significantly redrafted to take ...
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Can South Africans Handle Hard Times?
This Brief suggests methods that may be adopted in an effort get through the hard times ahead.
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Can we start the long haul now?
We live in a vertiginous age, in a Dadaesque social and political world. Can the ground be prepared for economic recovery in this politically unstable ...
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Cape Town Round Table: 6 February 2018 - The Budget, Growth And Debt
This brief, the first of two, summarizes the addresses to the Cape Town Round Table. The companion brief is an analysis of themes discussed at the Round Table.
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