How Coherent Are The 2020 Production And Labour Market Data? I - The Basis For Assessment
The preceding briefs in this series have drawn on a number of sources to assess the evolution of the economy during 2020. These data sources have been compiled ...
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Social Grants and Unemployment Insurance During The Lockdown
After reviewing the special government cash transfers to households in order to help them through the lockdown, this brief summarizes available information on ...
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August Production Estimates And April To June Quarterly Employment Statistics
Given the uncertainties about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic and the response of the economy to it and to the measures taken to combat it, it is ...
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The National Income Dynamics Study’s Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey - The Labour Market In The First And Second Quarters Of 2020
Hard on the heels of the release of the second quarter 2020 (“Q2”) Quarterly Labour Force Survey (“QLFS”) has come the release of the second wave data from the ...
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Electoral Reform: Do independent candidates strengthen the institution of parliament?
The Helen Suzman Foundation is producing a series of briefs on electoral reform in South Africa. This brief, the seventh in our series, considers the role of ...
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Electoral Reform: Representation in the South African context
The Helen Suzman Foundation is producing a series of briefs on electoral reform in South Africa. This brief, the sixth in our series, will explore the concept ...
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Electoral Reform: Representation - a conceptual analysis
The Helen Suzman Foundation is producing a series of briefs on electoral reform in South Africa. This brief, the fifth in our series, will provide a conceptual ...
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Electoral Reform And The Political System: The Helen Suzman’s Points Of Departure
The first three briefs in this series establish three main points. The first is that the New Nation case requires electoral reform, the second is that ...
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Electoral Reform: Are The Electoral Task Team’s “Core Values” Still Relevant?
The Helen Suzman Foundation is producing a series of briefs on electoral reform in South Africa. Following the landmark decision of the Constitutional Court to ...
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The April To June Quarterly Labour Force Survey: A Cautionary Note
The April to June Quarterly Labour Force Survey has appeared. While the HSF commends Stats SA for finally producing it (there were two delays in publication). ...
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