This brief is the fourth in a series of six on urban transport and discusses buses, including bus rapid transport systems. The first two briefs present ...
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This brief is the third in a series of six on urban transport. The first two briefs presented statistical material which delineates key current features of ...
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Travel In Cities And Towns II - Statistical Overview: Evidence From The 2013 National Household Travel Survey
This brief is the second in a series of six on urban transport. It, along with the first brief, presents statistical material which delineates key current ...
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Travel In Cities And Towns I - Statistical Overview: Evidence From The 2016 General Household Survey
This brief is the first in a series of six on urban transport. It, and the second brief, will present statistical material which delineates key current ...
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HSF Briefs
The State of Youth: Part 1 – Perspectives
This Brief is the first in a series examining the state of youth in South Africa.
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Future of our cities: Report back
This brief reports on the Helen Suzman Foundations Roundtable event on the Future of our Cities.
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