The new Archbishop of Cape Town will be a stern critic of the government if it fails to deliver on its promises to the poor.

Brian Williams and Catherine Campbell report on a community that is committed to preventing the spread of HIV/Aids.
"Equity in employment does not mean affirmative action which has a connotation of tokenism imported from the US."
The decision to abolish the Medicines Control Council, the public’s watchdog for medicines, has shocked many.
With improved intelligence, police are claiming a breakthrough in stemming the spate of dramatic cash-in-transit heists.
The disease that threatens a human catastrophe for South Africa is not invincible, say Brian Williams and Catherine Campbell.
RW Johnson talks to Ben Ngubane about devolving power to the provinces and Inkatha’s relations with the ANC.
While former guerrillas have been involved in some robberies, their role should not be exaggerated.
We need to redress inequalities at work, but experience shows that government's new law will prove costly.
Lawrence Schlemmer compares the results of three national opinion surveys since 1994.