Robert Mugabe's speeches at the Zanu-PF
rallies held during his presidential re-election campaign consisted,
over and over again, of crude abuse of Tony Blair, a hymn of hatred
against British colonialism and an insistence that his opponent, Morgan
Tsvangirai, was part of a British plot for the recolonisation of
Zimbabwe. In his last speech, however, he sounded a new note: there
was, he said, a Western - and especially Anglo-American - plot to
destroy Zanu-PF and evict it from power because it was a national
liberation movement. If this plot succeeded in Zimbabwe it would then
be applied successively against all the other ruling liberation
movements in southern Africa.
Without doubt this is a conviction quietly shared by the ruling groups
in Angola, Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa and it goes far to
explain their reaction to the unfolding crisis in Zimbabwe. Had the
Soviet Union not abruptly collapsed and the Cold War ended, there is
little doubt that sentiments such as Mugabe's would have been heard
from these leaders as they greeted each next visiting delegation from
the USSR and Eastern bloc.
All the leadership groups in southern Africa represent the exile wing
of their movements and during the long years of the struggle they gave
such speeches ad infinitum. As honoured visitors, they traipsed from
occasions such as Castro's Tricontinental Congress, the Non-Aligned
Movement summit, the Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee in Moscow to the
endless stations of the cross provided by the congresses of the ruling
Communist parties of the world, from Pankow to Pyongang, from Warsaw to
This is, indeed, the great submerged motif behind the Zimbabwean
crisis. The world has changed so that Presidents Chissano, Nujoma and
Mbeki find themselves, incongruously, hobnobbing with the Queen at
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings, rubbing shoulders with Bill
Gates at World Economic Summits and shaking hands with George W. Bush
at G8. It is no longer politic to make ringing speeches in which all
these liberation movements are depicted as locked in a continuing,
indeed endless, struggle to the death against imperialism.
But this is not to say such notions have disappeared, merely that they
have become tacit, sotto voce. They remain almost the deepest beliefs
such leaders have, providing them from their earliest years with a
heroic definition of themselves and their movements and where they fit
into the grand sweep of history.
Since the eruption of the Zimbabwean crisis following Mugabe's defeat
in the constitutional referendum of February 2000, there have been
repeated summit meetings of the region's ruling national liberation
movements (NLMs). These are strictly secret affairs: the media are not
allowed to attend, no interviews are given, no TV coverage allowed and
no communiqués are issued. But one may surmise without difficulty not
only that their discussions are phrased in this older, and now largely
hidden, vocabulary of anti-imperialism, but that Mugabe's perspective
is a shared one. Such summits were not thought necessary until Mugabe's
defeat opened up the prospect that a ruling NLM might actually lose
power. This nightmare could only be explained by a fresh assault from
imperialist forces, in which case they were all threatened.
Immediately, Mugabe's struggle to stay in power became a struggle for
their own survival too. Supporting Zanu-PF was no longer just a matter
of solidarity but of fundamental self-interest.
It is this perspective which explains why Mbeki, though he might
prefer Mugabe to hand over to a younger man or constitute a government
of national unity, has been unwavering in his insistence that Zanu-PF
must retain power. It is why the ANC will always regard Tsvangirai and
the MDC as a lesser breed - at worst Inkatha-like puppets, at best the
unintentional dupes of imperialism. It is why the ANC is so wholly
unmoved by all the killings, torture, beatings and rapes inflicted on
the MDC: such things happen in the struggle against imperialism and the
only solution is the final triumph of national liberation. Of course,
to keep the Common- wealth ("the imperialists") happy, Mbeki carefully
insisted right up to the last minute that a free and fair election was
still possible.
It is also why most of the election observers sent by Mbeki were
wholly unbothered by such matters as ballot-stuffing by Zanu-PF and the
manufacture of between 600,000 and one million bogus votes for Mugabe;
why they were unwilling to recognize Zanu-PF thuggery even when they
were the victims of it themselves; and why they did not even stay for
the election count. For they had really gone on a mission of solidarity
with Comrade Mugabe not as impartial observers at all. Their mission
was to help cement him back in power and to describe such a result as
legitimate. If that meant, that the election had to be declared free
and fair in the language of the imperialist world. But this was
understood from the outset as a form of necessary mumbo-jumbo. The
verdict that the election would pass muster had been decided long
before the observers set out.
It is this solidarity too which explains the body language of Jacob
Zuma - the dancing delight of celebration when he was sent to confer
official congratulation on Mugabe - for another great victory of
national liberation had been won and the forces of imperialism beaten
The NLMs share what can only be termed a common theology. National
liberation is both the just and historically necessary conclusion of
the struggle between the people and the forces of racism and
colonialism. This has two implications. First, the NLMs - whatever
venial sins they may commit - are the righteous. They not merely
represent the masses but in a sense they are the masses, and as such
they cannot really be wrong. Secondly, according to the theology, their
coming to power represents the end of a process. No further group can
succeed them for that would mean that the masses, the forces of
righteousness, had been overthrown. That, in turn, could only mean that
the forces of racism and colonialism , after sulking in defeat and
biding their time, had regrouped and launched a counter-attack.
Thus it follows that having won, a NLM should, stay in power forever.
Many NLM true believers still favour a one-party state - even if it has
become impolitic to say so - for if other parties are allowed or
encouraged to compete with the NLM, they can only become the vehicles
of imperialist counter-attack. Hence the extra-ordinary
self-righteousness, even now, of Mugabe and the Zanu-PF leadership.
However much they kill and torture they are utterly convinced of their
superior moral standing. They are the elect. The only alternative to
them, they believe, must be a return to British colonialism - even
though this requires a certain degree of mental gymnastics, given the
way in which British colonialism intervened in 1980 to help get rid of
Ian Smith and smooth Mugabe's way to power.
Land plays a key part in the theology. Originally the masses had the
land but then the racists and colonialists stole it from them and thus
the masses lost all their power and were reduced to virtual slaves. It
is a matter of holy writ to insist on this dispossession. Thus by the
1950s the ANC had hit on the formula that "just 13 per cent of the
population owns 87 per cent of the land". As the spurious symmetry with
which these two figures added up to 100 suggested, this was never
actually true if only because it left out of account the vast
landholdings of the state and the parastatals. Yet, despite the handing
over to black rule of vast tracts of rural South Africa, these figures
of 13 and 87 stayed magically identical. Even as the homelands were
consolidated and grew, as squatter camps mushroomed in formerly white
areas and the abolition of the Group Areas Act opened up white
residential areas, the figures stayed forever stuck at 13 and 87: they
remain so to this day.
It is the same in Zimbabwe where, we are told, the whites took all the
land. In fact historians dispute whether, when the first settlers
arrived in Rhodesia, the black population was as much as 250,000;
nobody thinks it was over 500,000. Most of the land settled was
actually vacant. Today white farms account for 23 per cent of the land:
even if you add in corporately owned land you cannot push the "white"
holdings over 30 per cent. Nor is it even true that this was "all the
best land". But, as in the case of South Africa, rational discussion of
such questions is tantamount to blasphemy - for in NLM theology these
are scriptural matters.
That is why Mbeki has insisted at every juncture that "the land issue"
is the fundamental question in Zimbabwe, despite opinion polls showing
that only 2 per cent of Zimbabweans agree. In fact, of course, modern
commercial agriculture everywhere in the world sees most food produced
on a tiny number of large farms. This is the future in southern Africa
too. Nobody in Britain or the US asks whether Jews, blacks, Hispanics,
women or gays are fully represented in the farming population.
Doubtless they are not, but provided the food gets produced nobody
The real truth about the NLM governments is that they allow corrupt
elites to cling to power indefinitely. The Zanu-PF elite is now
benefiting from "blood diamonds" in a way which even King Leopold's
ghost would admire. The MPLA elite in Angola is even worse. Last month
BP drew attention to the fact that of the many billions of dollars paid
annually in taxes and royalties by the 35 oil companies active in
Angola, only half shows up as receipts in the national budget: the
other half goes straight into the elite's backpockets. BP will, to the
fury of the government, henceforth publicly declare exactly how much it
is paying over at each payment point.
None of the NLM governments shows much concern for their own poor and
all of them have lamentable records of delivery. In every country they
govern life expectancy is shrinking and living conditions are generally
Not surprisingly, this is leading to the rapid decay of the NLM
culture - but just as Marx spoke of the uneven development of
capitalism, so this decay is uneven too. It has reached a terminal
condition in Zimbabwe first, and the other NLM governments are rushing
to resurrect it. But the same decline will gradually face them all. As
this happens, it is wholly predictable that they will claim that
apartheid, colonialism or imperialism is trying to make a comeback and
that they must use all means, foul as well as fair, to "defend the
gains of liberation". For the NLM culture only allows of this duality:
there is no room in it for the advent of more liberal black parties
such as the Movement for Democratic Change, fed up with the tyranny,
corruption and hypocrisy of it all.
This is, indeed, the awful warning in Mugabe's current predicament. If
ordinary black voters across southern Africa see Mugabe ejected from
power by his electorate, they will be electrified to face up to their
own self-righteous elites, who are determined to rule and enrich
themselves forever in the name of liberation. Gradually these voters
will start flocking to their own versions of the MDC. This is what
gives the Zimbabwe crisis its huge historic importance: it could yet
see that country's liberation from the NLM culture and the rooting of
real democracy in Africa.