Professor Fanie Olivier was eagerly awaiting the outcome of arbitration in his case against the University of Venda.

David Welsh discusses the ANC's plans to tinker with the Constitution's anti-defection clause.
Andrew Kenny on the hazards of burning coal, wood and paraffin.
Residents say they cannot afford to pay their electricity bills, the utility says they must. Patrick Laurence reports.
The chairperson of the Soweto Electricity Crisis Committee explains why he was expelled from the party.
Zimbabwe's economy needs an international bail-out, says Tony Hawkins.
It is clear that high-ranking members of the ANC government had laid down markers for the SA Observer Mission to Zimbabwe.
Jean Redpath investigates the multimillion Rand perlemoen poaching business and the latest efforts to control it.
The resignation of Gavin Woods as chairman of Parliament's SCOPA marked a sad day for government accountability.
Sizwe samaYende and Justin Arenstein of African Eye News Service report on the case of Dr Thys von Mollendorff.
In November 2000, Jonathan Moyo, Zimbabwe's minister of information, had strong words to say about RW Johnson.
Leaders of ruling African liberation parties believe they are locked in an endless battle against Western imperialism.
Christine Zama gives her forthright opinions on South African politics and says Paul Kruger was correct about the uitlanders.