Factionalism in the ANC is seen as a form of corruption but it may be a sign of mutation into a political party.

Patrick Laurence defends the right of Afrikaner intellectuals to voice their dissenting concerns.
The ANC besmirches its record as a mediator.
Lawrence Schlemmer questions the wisdom of South Africa's solidarity with rogue regimes.
While the TRC is not the final word on the past, it has provided historians with a quarry of information to sift through.
Tom Rymore takes an irreverent look at Inkatha's interest in casinos.
Liberals can espouse black empowerment, provided it is of limited duration and not confined to the new elite.
James Myburgh detects hidden currents of radicalism in the president's political psyche.
David Welsh argues that the foundations of South Africa's new democracy are fragile and threatened by one-party domination.
Tim Hughes and Greg Mills present the case for targeted sanctions against Mugabe's regime.
Refocus 2: TRC: settlement between the TRC and the IFP clears the way for completion of the final chapter.
Refocus 1: Vital court decisions pending on land question.
Lawrence Schlemmer unearths a similarity between Mbeki and Van Schalkwyk.