
HSF Briefs

Crime And Punishment In Contemporary South Africa V - Concluding Remarks
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 02 Jun 2020
This is the fifth brief in a series of five. The first brief set the scene for an analysis of quantitative information of the criminal justice process. The next three briefs set out the analysis. This brief offers some concluding remarks.
Briefs Governance Justice Securing Accountability
Crime And Punishment In Contemporary South Africa II - From Crime To Crime Reporting
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 02 Jun 2020
This is the second brief in a series of five. The first brief set the scene for an analysis of quantitative information of the criminal justice process. This brief is the first of three setting out the analysis. The fifth brief offers some concluding remarks.
Briefs Governance Justice Securing Accountability
Crime And Punishment In Contemporary South Africa I - The System And The Data
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 02 Jun 2020
This is the first brief in a series of five. It sets the scene for an analysis of quantitative information of the criminal justice process, presented in the second, third and fourth briefs. The fifth brief offers some concluding remarks.
Briefs Governance Justice Securing Accountability
Lives and Livelihoods
Author: Matthew Kruger
Published: 01 Jun 2020
In this brief, Matthew Kruger writes about the detrimental impact, on freedom and politics, of any law or policy that overemphasises risk and safety.
Briefs Covid-19 Governance
COVID-19: Opportunities and challenges for the water, sanitation and hygiene sector
Author: Nhlanhla Mnisi
Published: 28 May 2020
Disasters are undesirable events; but, if managed well, they can be catalysts for beneficial systematic change. The necessity for efficacy in COVID-19 pandemic has helped give renewed priority to the need for providing WASH services to acutely vulnerable communities. While some communities have benefited from these interventions for others it remains a distant dream.
Briefs Covid-19 Sanitation Water Water Quality Hygiene
Why so violent?
Author: Lee-Anne Germanos
Published: 28 May 2020
In a time before the pandemic, South Africa could easily have been classed among the most violent societies. As a nation in lockdown, we are now informed that our rate of violent crime has decreased by up to 87% in some categories during the month of April. Conversely, the abuse of power by police officials has increased by 32% during the same month, according to IPID. We are all too aware that the conditions that have provided for this drastic drop in violent crime are temporary. So the question to be asked remains: why are we so violent?
Crime Police Briefs