
HSF Briefs

Understanding water issues and challenges III: Water boards and bulk water services
Author: Michelle Toxopeüs
Published: 06 Feb 2019
Water boards are instrumental in providing bulk water services across the country. But failing governance, financial mismanagement and unpaid debt are severely hindering their ability to perform their functions effectively. These challenges, and the influence of municipal and departmental governance on the functioning of water boards, are discussed in this brief.
Briefs Water Infrastructure Governance
Understanding water issues and challenges II: Municipalities and the delivery of water services
Author: Michelle Toxopeüs
Published: 06 Feb 2019
Municipalities, defined as water services authorities, are required to provide basic water and sanitation services, but systemic issues are impacting their ability to deliver these services. This brief identifies the foremost challenges hindering municipal water functions.
Briefs Infrastructure Protecting Human Rights Water Governance
The state of sanitation and wastewater treatment services in South Africa
Author: Michelle Toxopeüs
Published: 05 Feb 2019
Effective sanitation services contribute significantly to reducing health risks and protecting the environment. But accessing safe and dignified sanitation facilities has been a long-standing problem for many South Africans. This brief positions the duty to provide sanitation and wastewater treatment services in the context of water services generally, and evaluates the current condition of these services.
Briefs Water Infrastructure Governance
The institutional structure for delivering water services
Author: Michelle Toxopeüs
Published: 05 Feb 2019
The Constitution affords everyone the right to access sufficient water. One way in which the Water Services Act gives effect to this right is by establishing the institutional framework necessary to ensure water services are delivered. This brief sets out the institutional structure established by the Act, and provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities designated to each institution.
Briefs Water Infrastructure Governance
The institutional structure of water resource management
Author: Michelle Toxopeüs
Published: 05 Feb 2019
In an effort to effectively manage South Africa’s water resources, the National Water Act makes provision for establishing water institutions that aim to promote equitable and sustainable use of water. This brief sets out the institutional structure to manage South Africa’s water resources, and provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities assigned to each institution.
Briefs Water Infrastructure Governance
Should The National Development Plan Be Revised?
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 05 Feb 2019
National Development Plans are revised periodically, often at five year intervals. Although our 'National Development Plan 2030' (NDP) was launched in 2012, it has not been revised. This brief shows that the illusion that the goals of the NDP are achievable cannot be sustained for a minute. A rethink is due.
Economy Governance Demography Briefs
Water Governance II: A broad outline of South Africa’s international obligations
Author: Michelle Toxopeüs
Published: 30 Jan 2019
This is the second of two briefs outlining water governance in South Africa. The first brief focused on the legislative framework domestically and the second sets out South Africa’s international and transboundary obligations.
Briefs Infrastructure Water Governance International