
HSF Briefs

Addressing Provincial Health Departments’ Medicolegal Claims Liability: Developing The Law Of Delict
Author: Zeenat Emmamally
Published: 16 Jul 2021
Provincial health departments face numerous claims for damages for medical negligence. The common law provides that payments must be made in one lump sum, but this impacts on health departments' capacity to provide healthcare for others. This brief considers how the courts have begun developing the common law to provide for payments in kind and periodic payments.
Briefs Health Social Justice Transformation
The Life Esidimeni Inquest, Due To Start On 19 July 2021
Author: Sophie Smit
Published: 13 Jul 2021
Five years after the Life Esidimeni tragedy was first uncovered, a formal inquest is being launched by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). It is the hope that the inquest will contribute to uncovering the truth behind the decisions which contributed to the termination of the contract which led to the death of 144 mentally ill patients and facilitate closure, by making it clear whether criminal prosecutions are to be instituted.
Briefs Health
The Constitutional Court’s ruling against Jacob Zuma - What should we be thankful for?
Author: Chelsea Ramsden
Published: 02 Jul 2021
This brief considers the ruling of the Constitutional Court against Jacob Zuma. The Constitutional Court has reaffirmed that the rule of law will prevail and everyone is equal before the law. This brief reflects on the importance of a judicial appointment process that is not subject to the whim of politicians.
Briefs Public Interest Justice
Combatting Vaccine Hesitancy
Author: Sophie Smit & Josh Zients
Published: 29 Jun 2021
In this brief, we consider the problem and potential effect of vaccine hesitancy, and argue that given the deep-rooted mistrust of the state, the private sector can play a crucial role in combatting vaccine hesitancy. It is futile to procure the vaccine if distribution cannot be effected, or if, for whatever reason, people simply do not wish to be vaccinated.
Briefs Health
How Will The Health System Cope Over The Next Four Years?
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 15 Jun 2021
This is the fourth of a four brief series on health expenditure in the public and private sectors. The first brief deals with commonly ignored components of health expenditure: provision in workplaces, and medical expenditure on health financed from the Compensation Fund and the Road Accident Fund. The second considers the impact of local government on health. The third brief sets out information on the pattern of health expenditure from 1 April 2019 to the 31 March 2020. This forms the baseline for examining the implications of the 2021 Budget for health expenditure over the medium term, the topic of this brief.
Economy Briefs Health
Health Expenditure In The 2019/20 Financial Year
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 15 Jun 2021
This is the third of a four brief series on health expenditure in the public and private sectors. The first brief deals with commonly ignored components of health expenditure: provision in workplaces, and medical expenditure on health financed from the Compensation Fund and the Road Accident Fund. The second considers the impact of local government on health. This brief sets out the information on the pattern of health expenditure from 1 April 2019 to the 31 March 2020. This forms the baseline for examining the implications of the 2021 Budget for health expenditure over the medium term, the topic of the fourth brief.
Economy Briefs Health
Local Government Impact On Health - What Do We Know?
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 15 Jun 2021
This is the second of a four brief series on health expenditure in the public and private sectors. The first brief discusses commonly ignored components of health expenditure: provision in workplaces, and medical expenditure financed from the Compensation Fund and the Road Accident Fund. This brief considers the impact of local government on health. The third brief sets out information on the pattern of health expenditure from 1 April 2019 to the 31 March 2020. This forms the baseline for examining the implications of the 2021 Budget for health expenditure over the medium term, the topic of the fourth brief.
Economy Briefs Health
Occupational Health And Safety And Fund Payments For Treatment Of Injury And Disease - What Do We Know?
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 15 Jun 2021
This is the first of a four brief series on health expenditure in the public and private sectors. It discusses commonly ignored components of health expenditure: provision in workplaces, and medical expenditure financed from the Compensation Fund and the Road Accident Fund. The second considers the impact of local government on health. The third brief sets out information on the pattern of health expenditure from 1 April 2019 to the 31 March 2020. This forms the baseline for examining the implications of the 2021 Budget for health expenditure over the medium term, the topic of the fourth brief.
Economy Briefs Health