
HSF Briefs

Public Interest Litigation Threatened by Legal Practice Bill
Author: Kameel Premhid
Published: 10 Apr 2013
In this Brief (‘Public Interest Litigation Threatened by Legal Practice Bill’), Kameel Premhid, HSF Intern, examines proposed changes to fee structures in the legal profession and what negative implications this could mean for the work conducted by NGOs like the HSF.
Briefs Justice
Medical schemes versus health insurance: What is the difference and why you should care
Author: Kate Francis
Published: 10 Apr 2013
This brief aims to explain the key differences between medical schemes and health insurance and why demarcation between the two is important. Medical schemes, under the protection of the regulation of the Medical Schemes Act, have a large part to play in ensuring the right of access to healthcare. Similar protection is not afforded to other health insurance products. The right to healthcare may, therefore, be watered down if insurance companies, which are not governed by the Medical Schemes Act, are permitted to provide health insurance products similar to those provided by medical schemes.
Briefs Health
Inclusive growth: The answer to our equality prayers?
Author: Eythan Morris
Published: 10 Apr 2013
Inclusive growth is a term which has been and continues to be applied to describe the way forward for the South African economy. This Brief aims to interpret inclusive growth in conjunction with our future aims as stated in the National Development Plan (NDP) and the current growth path experienced.
Briefs Social Justice
2011-2012 Consolidated General Report on National and Provincial Audit Outcomes
Author: Ashleigh Fraser
Published: 14 Mar 2013
The South African Auditor-General Terence Nombembe released the 2011-2012 Consolidated General Report on National and Provincial Audit Outcomes on 12 March, 2013. Whilst Nombembe’s address may have come across as being positive, his sentiments were contradicted by many negative audit outcomes. This brief examines the 2011-2012 Report and highlights the weakness of auditees, causing stagnation and regression.
Economy Briefs
The SADC Tribunal: The rule of power versus the rule of law - The Tribunal Tragedy
Author: Andre Dumon
Published: 14 Mar 2013
The future of the neutered SADC Tribunal is dependent upon the SADC Summit in August and perhaps the pending ruling of the South African Constitutional Court on the case of dispossessed Zimbabwean famers. At issue is also the link between the rule law and economic development. In the case of Zimbabwe the rule of power still trumps the law, and as a consequence the economy suffers. This provides portents for the SADC leaders.
Briefs Upholding the Rule of Law International
The Arms Procurement Commission Thus Far
Author: Kameel Premhid
Published: 14 Mar 2013
In this Brief ('The Arms Procurement Commission Thus Far'), Kameel Premhid, HSF Intern, examines the major issues affecting the Arms Procurement Commission (APC) since its inception. The APC is the first time that the South African Government has indicated that there was potential wrongdoing with the infamous Arms Deal. This is the first time that there exists a possibility to hold those involved in the deal accountable. However, this will not be possible if the APC continues to conduct itself in the way it has.
Briefs Fighting Corruption
Introducing HSF Briefs
Author: Helen Suzman Foundation
Published: 06 Mar 2013
As part of our mandate to facilitate and stimulate dialogue on matters relating to our liberal constitutional democracy, the Helen Suzman Foundation is embarking on a project to research and publish a series of Briefs.
Briefs Justice
Zimbabwe I - Demography & Economy
Author: Charles Simkins
This, the first of two briefs examining the prospects for Zimbabwe following the presidential succession, will consider the demographic and economic context. The second brief will discuss the political implications.
Economy Briefs Demography Zimbabwe International