
HSF Briefs

Austerity And A Permanent Income Shock
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 15 Jul 2020
This brief distinguishes between a policy of austerity and the fact of a permanent decline in per capita income, arguing that South Africa should adapt to a drop of real per capita income of 7 to 10% since 2014. It considers the trajectory of monetary and fiscal policy in this light.
Economy Briefs Covid-19 Governance Securing Accountability
The Adjustment Budget And Beyond
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 30 Jun 2020
Charles Simkins reviews the Supplementary Budget. A brutal affair. The Zuma legacy and misfortune have made it so.
Economy Briefs Covid-19 Governance Securing Accountability
State of Brutality - a constitutional crisis I: A Good Friday murder
Author: Lee-Anne Germanos
Published: 25 Jun 2020
This brief, the first in the series, considers the circumstances leading to the death of Mr Khosa on Good Friday. The brief concludes with an overview of the reactions by government in the wake of the murder as well as the subsequent litigation.
Briefs Covid-19 Governance Justice Securing Accountability
The Constitutional Court And The Electoral Act
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 23 Jun 2020
The Constitutional Court ruling of 11 June 2020, declared the Electoral Act as unconstitutional to the extent that it requires that adult citizens may be elected to the national assembly only through their membership of political parties. This means that the Electoral Act will need to be amended and the Court has given Parliament 24 months to do so. This brief considers two possibilities as to how the Act can be amended.
Briefs Elections Covid-19 Governance Justice Securing Accountability
Decision Making In A Time Of Uncertainty
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 11 Jun 2020
The brief considers the present state of uncertainty and how decision making is to be viewed and implemented. Charles Simkins introduces risk and uncertainty and then considers political emergencies, dictatorship and what to do with debt. The brief concludes with remarks regarding coping in the present uncertainty.
Briefs Covid-19 Governance Justice Securing Accountability