
HSF Briefs

Why Is Burger King Proving a Hard Sell?
Author: Christopher Fisher
Published: 14 Jun 2021
This brief explores the legal basis for the Competition Commission prohibiting the purchase of Burger King by Emerging Capital Partners, and argues that it was borne out of an incorrect interpretation of the Competition Act.
Economy Social Justice Transformation Briefs
Output, Employment, The Minimum Wage And Covid-19
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 10 Jun 2021
This brief advances an explanation of the divergence between the growth of output and the growth of employment, between the first quarter of 2018 and the first quarter of 2021. In a brief published on 6 April 2021, I argued that the explanation lay in new methods of data collection – here I advance another explanation.
Economy Briefs Health
Amending Section 25 of the Constitution to include expropriation without compensation - the latest developments, and reflections of a more general nature on the implementation of Government policies
Author: Anton van Dalsen
Published: 09 Jun 2021
This brief looks at the latest developments in the process to amend Section 25 of the Constitution, specifically regarding expropriation without compensation. Against the background of land reform requirements, it then goes on to reflect on the implications of insufficient institutional capacity within Government to implement large complex projects.
Briefs Politics Land Governance
Ace Magashule v the ANC or How not to use the Courts to Settle Political Scores
Author: Christopher Fisher
Published: 31 May 2021
This brief considers the principles at play in the legal battle between ANC Secretary-General, Ace Magashule, and his party. In his court application, Magashule attempts to overturn his suspension and in turn suspend ANC President, Cyril Ramaphosa.
Briefs Strengthening the Judicial System Politics Governance Fighting Corruption Securing Accountability
Department seeks to amend the legislation governing the public service, but squanders the opportunity for meaningful reform
Author: Catherine Kruyer & Zeenat Emmamally
Published: 17 May 2021
This brief examines the Department of Public Service and Administration's proposed amendments to the legislative scheme governing the public service. It is argued that the amendment bills fall short of what is required to professionalise the public service and end corruption.
Briefs Social Justice Politics Governance Fighting Corruption Transformation Securing Accountability
COVID-19 Vaccines - South African Developments And Issues
Author: Sophie Smit
Published: 14 May 2021
This is the second of two briefs about COVID-19 vaccines. This brief sets out vaccine developments in South Africa as well as the various issues that are being faced by the government, the health sector and the people in accessing the vaccine.
Briefs Health
Vaccine Nationalism And Global Equity
Author: Sophie Smit
Published: 14 May 2021
This is the first of two briefs discussing issues relating to COVID-19 vaccines. This brief argues that, in order to combat COVID-19, global equity to vaccine access is necessary. However, in order to achieve this equitable distribution, vaccine nationalism as well as poor government policy and governance surrounding vaccine access will have to be overcome.
Briefs Protecting Human Rights Social Justice Transformation Social Justice Health