Household Income and Household Hunger
The preceding two briefs in this series considered the measurement of hunger at the household and personal levels in the 2019 General Household Survey and the ...
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How Coherent Are The 2020 Production And Labour Market Data? II - The Main Issues
This brief compares production and labour market estimates from different sources. Some of the work has already been done in previous briefs and this will be ...
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How Coherent Are The 2020 Production And Labour Market Data? I - The Basis For Assessment
The preceding briefs in this series have drawn on a number of sources to assess the evolution of the economy during 2020. These data sources have been compiled ...
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How Will The Health System Cope Over The Next Four Years?
This is the fourth of a four brief series on health expenditure in the public and private sectors. The first brief deals with commonly ignored components of ...
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HSF NDP Roundtable: Address by Minister Trevor Manuel
Minister Trevor Manuel's full speech as presented at the Helen Suzman Foundation's roundtable event on the National Development Plan, 4 November 2013.
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Human Settlements In The Metros
This Brief discusses the Department of Human Settlements’ proposed re-orientation of its policies.
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Informal Trading in Johannesburg
Informal Trading has always been a part of South Africa's economy, 30% of which occurs in Gauteng. With an unemployment rate of 25.2%, Informal Trade is, for ...
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Issuing additional short-term government bonds to increase funding for COVID-19 Relief
In a follow up to a brief published in May 2020 on the same topic, this brief explores the possibility of allocating to buyers the full amount of short-term, ...
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Joe's Small Business Obstacle Race: Roald Dahl's Cinderella and Economic Freedom in South Africa
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July Production Statistics: An Indication Of A V-Shaped Recovery?
Statistics South Africa publishes monthly production statistics for mining, manufacturing, electricity distributed, the five components of trade, catering and ...
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