
HSF Briefs

Redefining Politics And How We Think About It
Author: Chelsea Ramsden
Published: 02 Dec 2021
This brief discusses politics of old and new and attempts to draw attention to the relationship between the government and the people. This brief is derived from discussions held, and ideas shared, at a conference hosted by the Goedgedacht Forum titled “COVID-19 Kindness: How Should We Do Politics Differently in South Africa?”
Briefs Politics Governance
How should one view the risks identified in the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement of 11 November 2021?
Author: Anton van Dalsen
Published: 30 Nov 2021
This is the third brief in a series of three on the 2021 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement. It considers the baseline projections of the MTBPS. In an uncertain environment, the credibility of the MTBPS depends on its assessment of risks. The second brief dealt with risks arising from the global economy, institutional failure and social and political conditions. This brief considers the impact of risk on the functioning of the economy.
Briefs Finance
The Medium Term Budget Policy Statement: How Credible Is It? - Risk Assessment
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 30 Nov 2021
This is the second brief in a series of three on the 2021 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement. The first brief considered the baseline projections of the MTBPS. In an uncertain environment, the credibility of the MTBPS depends on its assessment of risks. This brief deals with risks arising from the global economy, institutional failure and social and political conditions. The third brief considers the impact of risk on the functioning of the economy.
Briefs Finance
The Medium Term Budget Policy Statement: How Credible Is It? - The Baseline Projection
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 30 Nov 2021
This is the first brief in a series of three on the 2021 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement. It considers the baseline projections of the MTBPS. In an uncertain environment, the credibility of the MTBPS depends on its assessment of risks. The second brief deals with risks arising from the global economy, institutional failure and social and political conditions. The third brief considers the impact of risk on the functioning of the economy.
Briefs Finance
Gangster State
Author: Matthew Kruger
Published: 29 Nov 2021
When public life is structured by Family Meetings and threats of systematic economic and social exclusion, Matthew Kruger argues, we live in a gangster state.
Briefs Politics Governance Health
The Social Relief of Distress - How Well Did the Social Relief of Distress Grant Perform in January 2021?
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 17 Nov 2021
The fourth wave of the National Income Dynamics Study Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey collected data for the month of January 2021, including information on applications for the SRD grant and receipts of it. This brief considers information from it, along with data from the Quarterly Labour Force Survey for the first quarter of 2021, in an attempt to answer these questions.
Economy Briefs
Household Income and Household Hunger
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 17 Nov 2021
The preceding two briefs in this series considered the measurement of hunger at the household and personal levels in the 2019 General Household Survey and the five waves of the NIDS-CRAM survey conducted between April 2020 and March 2021. This brief develops the analysis by discussing the relationship between household income per capita, poverty and measures of hunger.
Economy Briefs